A black and white image of a soccer player with the number 7 on their jersey kicking a ball on a grassy field with a building in the background.A black and white image of a soccer player with the number 7 on their jersey kicking a ball on a grassy field with a building in the background.

academy program

millennium camp

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A yellow-toned image of a group of people in sports jerseys.A yellow-toned image of a group of people in sports jerseys.

academy program

palestra tre valli

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A black and white image of a person in a white jersey.There are two men standing next to each other, with one dressed in black and the other dressed in white.

academy program

millennium showcase

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Pelé raising his fist in front of a backdrop with his name and logo.Pelé raising his fist in front of a backdrop with his name and logo and the Christ Redeemer beside it

academy program

pelé academia

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Welcome to Millennium Sports

We are a passionate company dedicated to transforming the lives of football athletes. With solid experience and an unwavering commitment to excellence, we are proud to present ourselves as a bridge to all levels of athletes and clubs.

Our Commitment

Our Expertise

Throughout our history, we have consolidated partnerships with more than 200 athletes, contributing to their professional and personal growth. At Millennium, we understand that every player is unique, which is why we offer a diverse range of 4 specialized products, tailored to meet the specific needs of all types of athletes.
We specialize in providing enriching trips, unforgettable experiences and exclusive opportunities in the world of football, covering the four corners of the globe. We believe that a player's true potential goes beyond the field, which is why we are dedicated to creating opportunities that transcend traditional boundaries.

palestra tre valli

Aiming at the adaptation and preparation of athletes in the European market, Palestra has a professional development curriculum focused on the physical, technical, psychological and social training of players so that they can be prepared for the European market.
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A yellow-toned image of a group of people in sports jerseys.

pelé academia

Embark on a transformative 30-day immersion experience at the pelé academy in the beautiful state of rio de janeiro. Our unique program, enhanced by the innovative uninco method, combines sports, culture, and education to provide an unforgettable journey.
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Pelé raising his fist in front of a backdrop with his name and logo.

millennium showcase

The millennium showcase is more than just a sporting event; it's the culmination of years of dedicated work and the key to a direct and effective connection between talented athletes and top-level clubs. With over 250 athletes already placed in clubs, we realized that the traditional hiring process, based on highlight videos and talent scouting, can be time-consuming and bureaucratic.
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A black and white image of a person in a white jersey.

millennium camp

Are you looking for an opportunity to play in European football and have a real chance of being signed by a high-level team in Brazil or especially in Europe, this is the most important opportunity you will read.
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A black and white image of a soccer player with the number 7 on their jersey kicking a ball on a grassy field with a building in the background.

Take a look at some of our success stories who are now playing in European soccer.

A photo of one of the athletes.
Adonai Bagini
A photo of one of the athletes.
A photo of one of the athletes.
A photo of one of the athletes.
A photo of one of the athletes.
A photo of one of the athletes.
A photo of one of the athletes.
A photo of one of the athletes.
A photo of one of the athletes.
A photo of one of the athletes.
Victor Paulo
A photo of one of the athletes.
our podcast
only in pt-br


Nesse Millennium Cast convidamos o vice-presidente do Palestra Trevalli, nosso clube parceiro na Italia.
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Nesse Millennium Cast convidamos nossos atletas que estiveram e estão jogando na europa para compartilhar suas experiencias no futebol europeu.
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What are you waiting for? Let’s do this!

*All fields are mandatory.
Palestra Tre Valli Players gathering.